Rashid Yusupov dodges an uppercut from his opponent.
WATCH NOWMaxim Grishim counters with fiery blows to his opponent to knock him down.
WATCH NOWThiago Tavares spears his opponent Robert Watley.
WATCH NOWNatan Schulte quickly turns the round into his favor by sweeping Chris Wade.
WATCH NOWNatan Schulte vs Chris Wade winner announcement.
WATCH NOWAfter putting his opponent on the fence, Dan Spohn overpowers his opponent with a flurry of punches.
WATCH NOWFull fight video of Lance Palmer vs Alexandre Almeida ending by majority decision.
WATCH NOWFull fight video of Abubakar Nurmagomedov and Matthew Frincu ending in a TKO.
WATCH NOWFull fight video of Marlon Moraes and Josenaldo Silva ending in a TKO.
WATCH NOWFull fight video of Justin Gaethje versus Richard Patishnock main event WSOF 8.
WATCH NOWFull fight video of Joao Zeferino vs Jason High at WSOF 33.
WATCH NOWFull fight video of the intense fight of Herman Terrado against Joao Zeferino ending in a split decision.
WATCH NOWFull fight video of Louis Taylor vs. Phil Hawes ending in a guillotine choke hold.
WATCH NOWFull fight video of Jake Shields vs. Brian Foster at WSOF 17.
WATCH NOWRelive the main event match of Ryan Ford vs. Jake Shields ending in a Rear-Naked Choke submission hold.
WATCH NOWFull fight video of Steven Rodriguez and Alexandre Almeida ending in a split decision.
WATCH NOWFull fight video of Smealinho Rama against Derrick Mehmen ending in a quick TKO.
WATCH NOWFull fight video of Smealinho Rama vs. Jake Heun ending in a TKO.