Louis Taylor throws hook after hook towards his opponent.
WATCH NOWLouis Taylor launches an assault onto his opponent to win the match.
WATCH NOWJohn Howard displays an amazing counter strike to his opponent.
WATCH NOWAndre Harrison sweeps his opponents leg in a calm, clean takedown.
WATCH NOWLance Palmer sweeps his opponent onto the mat.
WATCH NOWTimur showing his strong tenacity after taking a wave of punches from Max Coga.
WATCH NOWAlex Nicholson hypes up the crowd with a classic reference of "THIS. IS. SPARTA!"
WATCH NOWSlow mo reel of Alex Nicholson connecting a Flying Knee to Jake Heun.
WATCH NOWJared Rosholt tosses his opponent to take control of the match.
WATCH NOWWill Brooks vs. Luiz Firmino winner announcement.
WATCH NOWBrian Foster delivers a fierce kick to his opponent following up with a knee.
WATCH NOWHighlight from Kayla Harrison's first PFL fight, winning by submission.
WATCH NOWJason High vs Efrain Escudero winner announcement.
WATCH NOWSean O'Connell knocks Ronny Markes out securing the win.
WATCH NOWRonny Markes dominates Sean O'Connell with a flurry of punches.
WATCH NOWSmealinho Rama takes down his opponent and takes control over the match.
WATCH NOWIslam Mamedov takes down his opponent and delivers strong punches to ensure his victory.
WATCH NOWYuki Kawana fires a flurry of punches to Islam Mamedov.
WATCH NOWVinny Magalhaes puts his opponent into a submission hold to close out his match.