Highlight of Vinny Magalhaes performing an armbar on his opponent causing a submission.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Natan Schulte trading punches and kicks with his opponent.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Sean O'Connell countering his opponent after taking loads of hits.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Rashid Magomedov escaping his opponents submission hold.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Vinny Magalhaes performing an triangle armbar causing a submission.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Natan Schulte driving his opponent onto the fence and mat.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Bozigit Ataez throwing a flurry of punches at his opponent.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Chris Wade kicking his opponents side.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Sean O'Connell beating down his opponent.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Islam Mamedov grappling his opponent on the mat.
WATCH NOWTavares vs Magomedov fight concludes as the winner goes into the finals for the championship lightweight title.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Smealinho Rama landing blows to take control of the fight.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Rashid Magomedov connecting his hits and dodging his opponents.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Brandon Halsey grappling his opponent.
WATCH NOWBracket for the 2018 Playoffs for the Light Heavyweight Division.
WATCH NOWBracket for the 2018 Playoffs for the Lightweight Division.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Philipe Lins throwing strong punches to his opponent.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Steven Siler trading blows with his opponent and taking over the fight.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Steven Siler throwing fast punches onto his opponent.
WATCH NOWHighlight of Jared Rosholt tosses his opponent onto his back.