A former Olympic wrestler, Tunisia’s Slim Trabelsi is unbeaten at 6-0 since making his professional MMA debut in 2019. A former regional heavyweight champion known for his power, Trabelsi has four knockouts to his credit. Trabelsi made his Bellator debut at Bellator 300, scoring a first-round finish of Davion Franklin.


Known as “The Vanilla Gorilla,” Louie Sutherland has also started to gain a reputation for his striking. A former rugby player, Sutherland has won six of his eight professional MMA fights so far, with all six of his wins coming via a knockout (five in the first round). Sutherland has fought twice in the PFL, dropping a decision to Abraham Bably but earning a second-round finish of Alton Meeks. Sutherland most recently fought in November, scoring a first-round knockout of Luis Carlos Brito.


Will we see one of these two knockout artists earn another tonight?



Round 1


Both men look for hooks early. Sutherland misses with a left hand. Small combination from Sutherland, but not much land. Sutherland takes Trabelsi’s legs out from under him, but he gets back up. Trabelsi goes for a takedown, but Sutherland stops it. Sutherland feints. Trabelsi flashes the left hand. Low kick from Sutherland. Sutherland shows the left hand now. Trabelsi goes inside, and he scores a single-leg takedown. Sutherland can’t get the underhook, and Trabelsi will go to work on the body of Sutherland while in Sutherland’s guard. Several hooks to the head. Trabelsi lands a right hand to the body.


Sutherland scrambles and gets to his knees, but Trabelsi chases the back. Sutherland continues to push and escapes. Trabelsi goes for the takedown again, but Sutherland lands a strong right hand. Trabelsi continues to scramble, and he gets Sutherland back to the ground. Right hand by Trabelsi. Trabelsi continues to land the right hand, and Sutherland is hurt. Sutherland gets back to his feet, but Trabelsi presses him against the fence. Trabelsi with a few knees to the leg.



Round 2


Low kick from Sutherland. Strong right hand from Trabelsi. A lot of feinting and hesitating from both men here in the first minute of the round. Low kick from Sutherland doesn’t land. Trabelsi lands a jab. Sutherland taunts, getting laughs out of the crowd and commentary. Sutherland tries to stuff a takedown, but Trabelsi works and gets on top. Sutherland gets back up and stops another takedown attempt. Jab by Trabelsi. Low kick from Sutherland. Right hand by Trabelsi. Low kick from Sutherland again, followed by a left hand.


Right hand and a low kick from Sutherland. Trabelsi goes for a single-leg, and he gets the takedown. Trabelsi jumps back into side control. Sutherland tries to get up, but Trabelsi has a hold of his wrist as he looks for complete back control. Trabelsi with a couple of right hands to the head. The hammer fists continue, and Sutherland brings himself over to the fence. Trabelsi trips Sutherland, and he gets back on top. Sutherland lands a strong elbow from the bottom. Trabelsi with a left hand. Sutherland talks to referee Keith Petersen as Trabelsi lands nasty left hands upstairs. Trabelsi presses Sutherland against the fence before the bell.



Round 3


Low kick from Sutherland. Trabelsi backs him up with a jab. Trabelsi’s strong right overhand doesn’t land. Sutherland throws a low kick. Round kick by Sutherland. Low kick from Sutherland. Low kick from Sutherland again. Trabelsi changes levels, but Sutherland sprawls. Front kick by Sutherland. Trabelsi goes for a single leg, and this time he gets it, getting onto Sutherland’s hips. Sutherland rolls through and goes for a kneebar! Sutherland tries to lock it in, but Trabelsi is able to escape it!


Trabelsi has a hold of Sutherland’s back. Sutherland rolls through, but Trabelsi finds himself back in side control. Sutherland looks a bit tired as Trabelsi tries to get to his back. Sutherland taunts the crowd again. Sutherland tries to roll through, but Trabelsi is in side control again. Sutherland pushes him off and returns to his feet with 30 seconds left. Trabelsi, however, scores one more takedown before the bell.





Slim Trabelsi defeats Louie Sutherland by Unanimous Decision (30-27 x3) in a heavyweight bout